Our Story

“Change is an inevitable part of life. Change means evolution and growth. Trying to live without it, fight against it, or work around it ultimately leads to stagnation, frustration, and struggle. Once you begin to lean into change, once you are able to move beyond the fear, you step into flow with the universe and it’s really kind of exciting.”

- Melanie Rimkay

As a certified Hatha Yoga Instructor, I have been teaching since 2011.

I am continually awe struck by the depths in which yoga can heal your life. When we dare to look beyond the mat, we will be forever changed.

It is my passion to bring the teachings of movement, breath work and meditation to all that are open to hopping on this journey with me!

In my classes, we focus on mindful movement and meditation to find balance in this exciting...yet at times overstimulating world! some passions or specialties of mine include Aligning your practice with the phases of the moon and chair yoga for seniors.

I created Green River Yoga Company in 2012 and over the years it has gone through much growth and transition.. as have I.

Here, now, at the beginning of 2023, I find our community expanding beyond the limits of GRYC’s walls.  We are a community that practices yoga, that lives by Patanjali’s Eightfold Path (8 Limbs of yoga).  We are a collective that loves to explore and travel and challenge ourselves in mind, body and spirit.

some wish to focus solely on yoga while others are called to explore all things spiritual. Some prefer both with a sprinkling of world travel.  

And me?  Well I love it all.  So, that brings us here… to a state of transformation. Green River Yoga Company is now:

Green River & Co.

because we are MORE than yoga now.…and we have so much to offer!!